Sorted Fighting Fund
Your regular gift through your bank will help Sorted get to men in the toughest situations – like in the armed forces, prisoners and those in drug rehabilitation.
To be a vital part of the Sorted Fighting Fund, Click here to sign up.
We will do the hard work. Your part is to contribute a small amount of money each month to the Sorted Fighting Fund through our associated charity the Breakout Trust.
Your gift will be used to help us respond to the most strategic free-distribution opportunity of the moment.
A prison chaplain recently thanked me for getting copies of Sorted to her saying, ‘It is hugely popular with the men who come to chapel, who go to the library and with the prison officers. Copies just fly off the shelf’.
You can help make that happen month after month after month.
Please act right away because there are opportunities on hold we are longing to fulfil. Just click here to sign up.

Today’s men need Sorted. Especially those in tough places like the armed forces, prisons and drug rehabilitation centres.
Please help this to happen – by supporting the Sorted Fighting Fund with your monthly gift.
Thank you.
Bear Grylls