Film: Ordinary Angels




Faith-based films are a pretty mixed bag. Some can appear so corny that you want to give up halfway through, others are so gripping that you just don’t want them to end. They can also be so convincing, that the only explanation has to be divine involvement.

Thankfully Ordinary Angels falls into the latter category. This story, set in Kentucky in 1994, is both sad and uplifting. It’s both troubling and joyful. It’s compelling and moving and hits cinemas at the end of April.

Hilary Swank is excellent as a reformed alcoholic determined to help save the life of a small five-year-old girl who has recently lost her mother. Single-handedly she not only rallies a whole community into action but becomes an essential friend to the family at the heart of the drama.

It would be wrong to go into too many details, no spoilers here, but as the story unfolds, we discover the little girl needs a liver transplant and has to be rushed to a hospital when one becomes available. Trouble is on that very night a blizzard hits the town making roads unpassable. Is there a solution?

The family at the heart of the film are believers and there are several scenes set in the local church. Indeed, the Grandmother attributed what transpired as an answer to prayer, the prayers not just of the family but of many others. Ordinary Angels is a terrific film which deserves to be seen.

Main Photo Credit: Courtesy of Lionsgate (Fair usage).

Andy Godfrey

Andy Godfrey is a speaker with Outreach UK and has been in full-time Christian work for many years. He is a founding member of the Mark Kermode Appreciation Society and has a collection of nearly 3,000 movies. He’s also an ardent Bristol City fan.

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