OK so let me declare an interest here: Raiders of the Lost Ark is my favourite movie of all time. It just is the greatest movie ever made, ok? Good. We are all agreed! So, forget the Oscars, put the BAFTAS to one side, there is one day that many film fans have had in their diaries for a very long time, and it’s finally upon us. The wait, for many of us, has been agonizing but finally after 15 long years, 15 very long years, Indiana Jones in back. He’s got a new director, and a new company backing him (for the first time this will not be a Paramount film but a Disney one) but the same producers and, hopefully, an all-new adventure which will thrill us, delight us, scare us, make us laugh and entertain us in equal measure.
Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny comes out on June 30th and is probably the most eagerly anticipated movie of the year. Harrison Ford picks up the whip, dons the fedora and leather jacket for one last time in an adventure set in 1969. But what else do we know? A bit, but then who wants to know too much anyway? So let me just give you the bare bones.
Taking place against the backdrop of the Space Race, Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny sees our title protagonist coming into conflict with Mads Mikkelsen as Jürgen Voller, an ex-Nazi who’s been recruited to the United States’ moon landing program and is looking for something that be believes will let him make the world into a better place. The movie will open with a World War II-set action sequence featuring a digitally de-aged Harrison Ford. Other actors appearing in The Dial of Destiny include Shaunette Renée Wilson, Thomas Kretschmann, Toby Jones, Boyd Holbrook and Olivier Richters.
Directed by James Mangold, who also co-wrote the script with Jez and John-Henry Butterworth. Phobe Waller-Bridge also has a major role to play. Composer John Williams brings things to life with over an hour and a half’s worth of music, including of course the famous Raiders March.
We also know that John Rhys Davies will be back reprising his role as Sallah, but the question on every fan’s lips is will Karen Allen return as Marian? Remember that at the end of the last film she and Indy tied the knot? Personally, I do hope so. Both Karen Allen and the character she plays are, for me vital ingredients in the success of the series. Roll on June 30th – I can’t wait! As Indy himself might say “Trust me”.
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